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If you want to be in the know about what’s going on at Worksafe, you’ve come to the right place. Be sure to check back regularly to get our latest news updates.

Congratulations, National COSH We Rise Worker Leader Leonard Brown! • Protections for Domestic Workers • Indoor Heat Protections Now in Effect • BWOP Making Great Strides • Worksafe in the News •

Oakland Youth Leaders-in-the-Making • New Team Member Spotlight: Benita Gordon • 42nd Anniversary Recap
• Black Worker Outreach Project: Fundamentals Training, Cohort 2 • Worksafe in the News •

Worksafe Turns 42 on June 5th! • Youth Listening Summit on Workers Memorial Day • Indoor Heat Standard Moving Ahead--Without the Department of Corrections • Workers Memorial Day • Worksafe in the News •

Tel. (510) 672-3591
Najorae Trang-Kwina
Tel. (510) 915-9120

Local youth gathering to present to City Council Members, CA Labor Commissioner, Cal/OSHA chief

On April 28th from 12-4:30 pm, Bay Area youth will summit at the Greenlining Institute at 360 14th Street, 2nd Floor, Oakland to discuss the problems they see around them, talk about solutions, and at 3:30 pm, present their ideas to a panel of community leaders.

Joining us to listen to youth recommendations is Oakland Council President, Nikki Fortunato Bas, who has been instrumental in partnering with youth and education advocates to reauthorize the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth, and is a long-standing advocate and organizer for workers rights, health, and safety. Her efforts have resulted in the investment of millions in youth and families each year.

"The youth of Oakland and the Bay Area have a legacy of championing not only our city's, but our nation's civil rights movement and social justice work. I cut my teeth as an organizer and coalition builder with sweatshop workers, and it is my honor to meet with youth to share and learn from their experiences and wisdom," says Council President Bas.

A part of Worksafe’s Black Worker Initiative, the Summit is being organized in honor of Workers Memorial Day. The Summit will highlight youth workers. Youth Listening Summit seeks to recognize and tap into the insight, resourcefulness, and unique perspectives of local youth, as well as to help them build a sense of their connectedness to and power within their communities.

“Our youth are our future. So many youth are doing amazing work in the Bay Area around critical topics. This is an amazing opportunity for them to come together, meet one another, compare notes, be inspiring and be inspired,” says Najorae Trang-Kwina, the Youth Coordinator for the Summit.

Bay Area youth ages 11-20 can register for free through the Youth Listening Summit website or contact youth leader Najorae Trang-Kwina for more details. YLS is still seeking more youth to attend and sponsorships and donations for the youth attendees from local businesses. Please contact our coordinators with any questions.


New Lead Standard Passed Today • Welcome Amira-Sade Moodie! • Introducing Worker Leader Leonard Brown! • New Labor Laws in Effect as of 2024 • Upcoming Standard Vote • Worksafe in the News •

Legislative Updates • High Heat Update • Black Worker Outreach Project • The Silicosis Standard • CCWP Meets to Set 2024 Priorities • Worksafe in the News •

Thank You for Joining Us! • Introducing New Board Member Kim Savage • Introducing New Board Member Jennifer Duncan • Introducing New Board Member Alejandra Domenzain • NAS Training • Legal Ethics & Community Lawyering Brownbag • Protect Outdoor Workers with Prescribed Fires • Worksafe in the News •

Workers Memorial Day • Anniversary Fundraiser Event • Legislative Season • Jora Called to Testify in Sacramento • High Heat Standard Letter •

Worksafe Turns 41! • The Fight Continues for California Domestic Workers • Capitol Visit • ABA Mid-winter WOSH Meeting • Legislative Priorities • Worksafe in the News •

Renewing Our Dedication and Focus • 2022 Impact Report • COVID Protections Into 2023 • The Two Year Standard, Minus Exclusion Pay: A Response • The Return of Silicosis • Retaliation is a Significant Problem in California • Worksafe in the News •

Legislative Victories for Workers • Can Prosecutorial Discretion Protect Workers from Workplace Abuses? • The Ongoing Struggle for COVID Protections • Pending Standards Update • Worksafe in the News

Karín Secures Solís Policy Fellowship • Rideshare Drivers United Victory • On the Machine Guard: Monkeypox and More • Wins for Workers on the Line in Sacramento • Worksafe in the News

Heat Safety at Work • What is Your Employer Required to do to Protect You from COVID? • National COSH is 50! • New Worksafe Board member: Caitlin Vega • Worksafe in the News

A Mixed Victory: ETS Extended Through 2022 • Welcome New Board Member Juliann Sum! • Staff Interviews: Lucy Morales • German Jimenez • Rachel van Geenhoven • 2022 Legislative Priorities • Community-Engaged Labor Studies Course Training at UCB • Worksafe in the News

A Valentine Thank You to All Our Supporters! • Snapshot: Worksafe Staff in Action • Worksafe is Hiring • Fighting for Janitor Safety in Health Care • Worksafe In the News

New Limits on Muzzling Workers • Re-Envision a Safe Workplace with Us • Advocates Press Case for COVID Worker Protections

Worksafe is proud to present our 2021 Impact Report -- a snapshot of our policy advocacy, legal services, training, movement building, and public outreach over the past year. Please read and share it with your networks.

Keep Exclusion Pay in the ETS • Policy Year in Review • Welcome Lucy Morales • Jora Trang Marks a Decade of Dedication to Workers at Worksafe • Worksafe In the News

Worksafe's AnaStacia Nicol Wright asks "Is your future a temp future?" in this op-ed in the Daily Cal (October 14, 2021)

How to Make Cal/OSHA Stronger • Worksafe Engages US Labor Secretary Walsh • New Staff • New Board Members • ERC Awarded Non-Profit of the Year • Huge Study Finds Heat in the Workplace is Far Worse than Recorded • News We're Reading

Defending Workers Rights in Crisis • Black Centered Equity Training • Supporting a Strong Federal Hazard Communication Standard • Celebrating Worksafe's 39th Anniversary • Defending Pandemic Safety Rules • Worksafe in the News

After the Verdict, the Work of Transformational Change Continues • Health and Safety Legislation to Watch in 2021 • New Blogs • Workers Memorial Week 2021 • May 20: Help us honor California's powerful worker health and safety movement • In the News

A coalition of workers and advocates hailed a ruling today by San Francisco Superior Court Judge Ethan P. Schulman that means emergency rules protecting California workers from COVID-19 where they work will stay in place for now.

New Administration Brings Opportunities to Advance Worker Health & Safety • Worksafe Welcomes New Staff Attorney • Recent Outreach: Spreading Word of the ETS • Big Thanks to Our Supporters • In the News

We are excited to announce that AnaStacia Nicol Wright has joined the Worksafe team as our new Staff Attorney.

Thank you for reading Worksafe's 2020 Impact Report, and for your solidarity and support throughout the year. We're poised to hit the ground running in 2021 – and together we'll continue this fight for worker safety, health, and justice.

We are thrilled to share that the California Lawyers Association has honored Jora Trang, Chief of Staff and Equity at Worksafe, with the 2020 Loren Miller Legal Services Award.

California Workers Gain New Workplace Protections from COVID-19 • Bay Area Janitorial Workers Blow the Whistle on Health and Safety Violations • State Assembly Hearing: Safeguarding Our Frontline Workers from COVID-19 • CLIWA: Building Solidarity with Legal Aid and Worker Advocacy Orgs

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted today 6-0 to adopt new emergency rules designed to strengthen protections for all California workers from COVID-19 in the workplace.

On November 17, 2020, the Labor and Employment Committee of the California State Assembly held an informational hearing about the impact of COVID-19 on the state’s essential workforce. Worksafe was honored to participate in the hearing; this is our testimony.

We urge immediate adoption of the proposed Covid-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). California needs an enforceable Cal/OSHA standard which both employers and workers can rely upon. California won’t bring community spread of Covid-19 under control without stemming transmission in the workplace.

Este video explica como protegerse el el trabajo durante el coronavirus, y ofrece consejos en como negociar con su empleador para ganar cambios en el trabajo.

This video explains how you can keep yourself and your co-workers safe at work during the COVID-19 pandemic, and offers advice on how you can successfully negotiate with your boss to win changes at your workplace.

Reimagining Work • Thank You, Nicole • New Video: Protecting Yourself at Work During Coronavirus • Ride-Hail Drivers Deserve Protections & Benefits • "Right to Refuse" Fact Sheet Now in Vietnamese • Meet Worksafe's Health & Safety Intern • #COSHCON2020 Registration Now Open!

Trên khắp tiểu bang, người lao động đang báo cáo rằng họ phải làm việc mà không có những biện pháp bảo vệ an toàn phù hợp, điều này khiến họ dễ bị lây nhiễm COVID-19. Người lao động muốn biết: họ có quyền từ chối công việc hay không?

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board has unanimously approved our petition for an emergency standard

The United Farm Workers conducted a poll this week: 84% of the workers they surveyed had not been provided with N95 respirators by their employers as required by the new Cal/OSHA regulation.

The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board is seeking public input about the proposed permanent Protection from Wildfire Smoke standard. They are accepting written comments until August 12, so now is the time to weigh-in about this important worker health and safety issue!

We Need an Emergency Standard to Protect Workers from COVID • ICYMI: New Fact Sheet - Now in Spanish • Worksafe Welcomes New Board Member • Building Racial Equity in the Legal System • August 12: Taking Action for Worker Safety • In Memoriam: Joan Lichterman • Worksafe in the News • Summer Fundraiser Update

En todo el estado, los trabajadores están reportando que los patrones les obliga a trabajar sin las protecciones adecuadas que pueden dejarlos vulnerables a COVID-19. Los trabajadores quieren saber: ¿tenemos derecho a rechazar el trabajo?

Across the state, workers are reporting that they are being made to work without appropriate protections that may leave them vulnerable to COVID-19. Workers want to know: do we have the right to refuse work?

This summer Worksafe is offering seven FREE workshops on occupational safety and health (OSH) in the age of COVID-19. Please join us!

We expect the Health and Safety for All Workers Act (SB 1257) to be put before a full Senate vote week! #MyHealthMyDignity

Worksafe stands with the Movement for Black Lives and all those who are rising up to protest state violence against Black people and communities.

California Must Do More to Protect Workers • Understanding the State's COVID-19 Guidance • California Workers & Advocates to Newsom: #ListenToWorkers • Worksafe Partners with Skadden Fellow on Worker Rights • In Memoriam • Worksafe in the News

Worksafe has joined more than 70 labor and community organizations throughout California to send an urgent message to Governor Gavin Newsom and top state officials: Listen to California Workers!

Worksafe releases Dying at Work in California each April 28th to bear witness to the human toll of unsafe and unhealthy work.

As we adapt to these unprecedented circumstances, Worksafe continues to advocate for a world where everyone can access work that is safe, healthy, and fair.

The COVID-19 crisis and last year’s wildfires have magnified the dangers that domestic workers and day laborers face. We need immediate legislative action to keep ALL workers safe.