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Resources for Advocates



Federal OSHA

Workers can also dual file their health and safety complaints with Federal OSHA and their retaliation complaints with the Whistleblower Protection Program.

Options to Address Retaliation

The DLSE and Federal 11(c) processes are only two remedies for addressing retaliation. There are multiple other avenues available to workers including collective action and concerted activity, worker organizing, and utilizing media pressure. 

Individual Collective Action
DLSE Complaint Implement Fairfax Memo
Union Grievance (if unionized) Engage in Collective Action
Labor Code 6310 & 6311 NLRB Complaint
OSHA 11(c) Media Campaign
NLRB Complaint Organizing Campaign

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

Private Right of Action

Legal Aid At Work Resource Library

Legal Aid at Work has a library of resources for lawyers and advocates on their new website: