Legal Aid
Legal Aid at Work just launched a new website to help people determine their eligibility for and access legal aid. It also has a library of resources for lawyers and advocates:
Filing a Complaint
To file a complaint about occupational health and safety in California, click on the following links and read the instructions carefully.
File a Complaint with CAL/OSHA / Presente un Reclamo con CAL/OSHA
File a Complaint with OSHA / Presente una Queja con OSHA
If workers experience retaliation as a result of engaging in protected activity, workers would then have to file a retaliation complaint with the Labor Commissioner at the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE).
File a Retaliation/Discrimination Complaint
Instrucciones para presentar una queja de represalias y discriminación
Queja de represalias - formulario
California's Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) (ends December 31, 2022)
Video: Protecting Yourself at Work During Coronavirus
Video: Protégiendose en el Trabajo Durante el Coronavirus