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Workplace Fatalities

Observing Workers Memorial Day 2019

Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living!

Join Worksafe on Friday, April 26th in Downtown Oakland to observe Workers Memorial Day 2019.

Workers Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for workers who have been killed and injured on the job. It is observed around the world by surviving family members, friends, coworkers, and health and safety activists in workplaces and communities.

Let's gather together in Oscar Grant / Frank Ogawa Plaza to honor fallen workers and recommit ourselves to the struggle for safe and healthy work in California.


12 PM - 12:10 PM - Remarks

12:10-12:30 P.M. - Chief Juliann Sum, Cal/OSHA

12:20 PM - 1 PM - Reading of Names

Lunch will not be provided, but feel free to bring your own or support local restaurants.

Please RSVP and help spread the word in your networks by sharing this link:

We look forward to coming together with you all in solidarity.