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Board of Directors

Meet the Board: Matt DeCarolis

Worksafe is a small organization with a mighty mission, and we couldn't do it without the support of our amazing Board of Directors.

Matt DeCarolis, an attorney with Bet Tzedek Legal Services in Los Angeles, joined the board in 2013 and we've benefited from his energetic leadership ever since!

Q: What interests you about worker health and safety?

A: In my 'day job' I represent workers whose employers steal their wages. I've realized that wage theft often goes hand-in-hand with health and safety violations. These forces wreak havoc on workers' lives and the lives of their loved ones. Long before I joined the board, I turned to the experts at Worksafe whenever these issues came up in my cases.

Q: What do you like about being on the Worksafe board?

A: My two favorite things about being a board member are getting to support the incredible staff and learning from my fellow board members. No one else does what Worksafe does, and it all starts with the great team of experts. And I don't think any board has the diverse skill sets and backgrounds that our board does — or nicer people, for that matter! Public and occupational health. Labor and organizing. Law. Policy. We have it all!

Q: What is the most pressing issue facing California workers in 2019?

A: No doubt the biggest issue for California workers this year will be to preserve the commonsense protections of the Dynamex decision. Powerful special interests will stop at nothing to weaken this important victory for workers. Thankfully, we are well organized to push back and preserve these protections.

Thank you, Matt, for supporting Worksafe's mission to ensure safety, health, and justice for low-income and immigrant workers in California.